The global pandemic and economic war plaguing the nations, has further being a cause for worry in recent times. In Ohio, we have seen restrictions towards sporting events, elections, congregations and any non-essential gatherings. In light of this, on behalf of Nigerians in Diaspora Organization, we want to ensure that every diasporan population is also safe and has access to resources that are needed. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out so we can point you to the right avenue for help. Nigerian consulates have suspended services and our country – Nigeria, just issued a new restriction to identified countries including the US. Although unprecedented, this is hopefully the best way to reduce the spread of the pandemic.

Please observe these:

  • Follow the CDC guidelines for safety as outlined in our previous releases.
  • Educate your friends and family (home and abroad) on how to mitigate this pandemic
  • Avoid or reduce panic but stay healthy and informed!
  • Reach out to our contacts via our website ( if help is needed – we will update a COVID-19 response section shortly for resources available (such as CDC helpline info, virtual classes for children, foodbank information, virtual creativity, elderly support programs, etc.)
  • Keep in touch with friends and family at this time of need (especially our vulnerable residents)

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