Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Please check back here for regular updates

COVID-19 Pandemic Resource List 2020

Below you will find a list of resources created by Children’s Hospital staff.

Texting COVID-19 updates: Text: COVID-19 FC to #888-777

Free/Discounted Food Services

Piada: Free kids meals for K-12 students between 10:45am-1pm

Smoked on High Barbecue: Starting 3/18/2020, kids can get an order of drummies or pulled chicken for free for the next 3 weeks.

Nasty’s Sports Bar and Restaurant in Hilliard: Kids eat free Sunday’s and Monday’s

Uber Eats: waived all delivery fees

Greek Express: free lunch to school-aged kids Monday-Friday 11am-2pm

Fusion: $1 Peanut Butter and Jelly Rolls through app and in-store

El Rodeo Mexican: Free meals K-12 Monday-Friday from 2pm-5pm (no purchase necessary)

Roosters: Free kids meals age 12 and younger starting 3/16/2020 through 4/5/2020

All People’s Fresh Market: open for regular hours #614-445-7342 

Free Meal Pick Ups at Schools

Columbus City School Locations: Monday-Friday (Breakfast 8am-9am and Lunch 11am-1pm)

Linden-McKinley Stem Academy South 7-12

Buckeye Middle School

Independence High School

Columbus Afrocentric Early College

Sherwood Middle School

Centennial High School

Columbus Global Academy

Mifflin High School

Woodward Park Middle School

West High School

Starling PreK-8

Wedgewood Middle School

Other: The LunchBox: will be passing out emergency bags of food throughout the duration of the school closures to families needing them most.


COTA: As of 3/17/2020, COTA buses will only be running 1x per hour and will stop running at 10pm instead of 12am

Child Care

Call Action for Children at #614.224.0222

Safe Families: for respite services #614-210-3267


Overflow shelter: have to leave at 8am

Main Shelter: do not have to leave, but have to remain in the common area *Note: families need to call the shelter directly for more guidance

Star House: #614-826-5868 Closing everyday 11am-2pm. Taking temperature when entering the building. If you have a fever you will be given a goody bag and turned away. Not allowing usual partners or visitors inside except for medical personnel.

Huckleberry House: #614-294-8097 No longer accepting basic conflict situations. If there are significant allegations of PAB/SAB or homeless teens are able to utilize this service. Will continue to offer community-based workers via telecommunication due to limiting the amount of younger population.

College students who are foster youth: (will help provide or help find housing during the transition)


ABC Mouse ( is offering free access to their Early Learning Academy (preschool through 2nd grade), Reading IQ ( (preschool through 6th grade) and Adventure Academy (3rd grade through 8th grade) online learning programs with coupon code SCHOOL7771. This appears to allow indefinite access during the COVID-19 school closures.

Scholastic is also offering Learn at Home programming for free for grades Pre-K through middle school (currently 20 days of themed lessons are available).


AEP: Suspending shutoffs

Columbia Gas: Suspending shutoffs

Internet Services

Spectrum: Free Wi-Fi for K-12 (for 60 days) #1-844-488-8395

Comcast: Available to all qualified low-income households (English) #855-846-8376 


Contact Amazon, Aldi, grocery stores Other

Unemployment website is up to date with information

Joint Organization for Inner-City Needs

Starting next week 10:30am-1:30pm (out of building by 2pm) -Possible donated food -NO birth certificates due to vital office being closed St. Stephen’s Community House Food Pantry Food Nutrition Center: available for all Franklin County Residents (no zip code restrictions). Families can visit 1x a week through March 2020. Food will be pre-boxed foods ONLY. Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12pm-3pm Tuesday and Thursday 3p-6p **NOTE: if never been to the food pantry will need to bring proof of residency and ID


Available for children under 3 years old Go to: for updated information and their blog Gladden Community House PIP and HEAP with the Breathing Association: only contact via phone call and NO face to face After School Program: Monday-Friday from 1:30p-4:30p children can get dinner who are within the zip code

Food Pantry

Zip code only and will receive pre-boxed food Serving Zip Codes: 43204, 43222, 43223, 43215 and west of the Scioto River.

Juvenile Court

Postpone ALL non-essential and non-emergency hearings. Call clerk’s office for more information at #614.525.3600 If court date was postponed 614.252.4407 -Vital Statistics office is closed (NO birth certificate)

Healthcare WIC

EVERYONE Contact via phone call before going to an appointment -Do not have to see the infant, but will need to provide a birth certificate -Children 1-5 years old have to be seen, but this will be a short 10-15 min visit and are eliminating medical portion (height/weight) United Methodist Free Store: CLOSED until further notice